Aren’t Bail Bonds and Bail the Same Thing?

Save Time by Calling Camden Bail Bonds for Any Bail Bonds Help

If you think that bail and a bail bond are interchangeable, you’re not alone. Many people believe the same thing. While it’s true that both bail and bail bond will get you released from jail while you wait for the conclusion of your court case, they aren’t the same thing. There are a few pretty big differences between the two.

Bail is what the court/jail needs before you’re released. With a few minor and common crimes, the jail has a pre-set bail amount. This means that you won’t need to be arraigned and that you can technically be bailed out as soon as you’ve completed the booking process. In more severe cases or situations where you’re facing multiple charges, you’ll have to go through the arraignment process, during which a judge will decide how much bail is required before you’re released.

If you or a loved one has the entire amount of the bail available and is able to post it, you’re free to go. The great thing about being able to post your own bail is that once your case is resolved, either because the charges have been dropped, you reached a plea deal, or you’ve been convicted, you’ll get the money you posted as bail back.

Bail bonds are a little different. They exist for those times when posting your own bail simply isn’t financially possible. When you can’t afford to post your own bail, you go to a company like Camden Bail Bonds and discuss the possibility of a bail bond. A bail bond is a financial promise you make with the company. You pay us a fee that amounts to 10% of the total amount of the bail bond. In exchange, we sign over the bail bond to the jail, and you’re released. At the conclusion of your case, the jail returns the entire amount of the bail bond to us. You won’t get any money back from us.


camden bail bonds

Dedicated Bail Bondsman at Camden, Tennessee

It’s true that there are many bail bond companies out there, and most offer the same type of fee arrangement as we do, but there are several reasons why you’ll be happier when you come to Camden Bail Bonds rather than turning to another bail bond agency. Reasons you’ll prefer us include:

Action Bail Bonding can offer the following:

Take a chance on Action Bonding or learn more by giving us a call at 901-476-2245. Each person’s case will differ here and there so it is best to understand completely what is at stake – that’s why you will be assigned to one of our top bail agents who will personally take care of you. We won’t let you down.