Choosing a Bail Bond Co-Signer: Call Charleston Bail Bonds for Any Bail Bonds Help

It’s possible that, for some reason or another, we’re reluctant to enter into a bail bonds contract with you until you have a co-signer who is willing to take this journey with you. The higher your bail, the longer your criminal history, and the lower your credit rating, the more likely it is that you’ll need a co-signer before we agree to enter into an agreement with you.

If we decide that we want you to have a co-signer, you should know that not every person in your life is going to be a good match for this position. When choosing a person to serve as your co-signer, there are a few things you need to consider.

They Must Be Willing

You’re going to find that some of your loved ones are willing to serve as a bail bond co-signer. There are a few different reasons a person who normally believes in you might refuse to co-sign for a bail bond. These reasons could include the following:

  • They simply aren’t in a good financial position themselves
  • They don’t want to draw attention to themselves
  • They simply don’t think they know you well enough
  • They already have enough on their plate and simply can’t take on yet another responsibility.

If a person isn’t 100% on board with becoming a co-signer, they shouldn’t be begged to do so.

They Must be in a Good Financial Situation

While we’re willing to work with clients who have a poor credit rating, when it comes to the co-signer, they must have a good credit history and be in a good financial situation. We have to be confident that if something happens, that makes the client unable to be on top of their payments, the co-signer will be able to step in and make up for the loss.

They Need to be Employed

The co-signer you chose needs to either have been employed at their current job for a considerable length of time, long enough that we’re not worried they’re going to just walk out or be fired. If they don’t have a solid work history, they should at least provide us with documentation that indicates that they have a solid and reliable source of income.


Charleston bail bonds

Get in Touch With your Bail Bonds Agent in Charleston, Tennessee

Being a co-signer for a loved one’s bail bond is a huge deal. It’s imperative that your co-signer understands exactly what they are about to take on. Let your co-signer know that our free consultations are available 24/7 and that the consultation provides them with an opportunity to speak with an experienced bail bond expert.

Benefits of working with Action Bail Bonding include:

Take a chance on Action Bonding or learn more by giving us a call at 901-476-2245. Each person’s case will differ here and there so it is best to understand completely what is at stake – that’s why you will be assigned to one of our top bail agents who will personally take care of you. We won’t let you down.