Monthly Archives: May 2021

Can Police Search My Vehicle Without A Warrant?

Pretty much every driver has experienced the slight panic of seeing a police car behind them while driving even if they haven’t done anything wrong. That shows how much people don’t want to get pulled over. On those occasions where people are pulled over, they can then find themselves worrying about the officer searching through […]

Tennessee’s Take On Arson

Many people are surprised by how many arson cases occur in Tennessee during a single year. It’s one of the state’s most common felonies. It’s likely that the main reason so many people are surprised by the high number of arson cases the Tennessee courts deal with each year is that they tend to think […]

The Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On Crime Rates

Whenever you turn to your preferred source of news, you’re likely slammed with information about the toll COVID-19 is taking on healthcare and the economy. Everyone is happy to share information about how overrun the hospitals are, how people’s mental health is suffering, and how the economy will never recover. What hasn’t been talked about […]

The Truth About Unemployment Fraud

Unemployment fraud in Tennessee is hardly a new concept, but the pandemic has pushed it to new heights which have resulted in it overwhelming an already strained system. What Is Unemployment Fraud In Tennessee? The term unemployment fraud refers to the act of collecting unemployment benefits that you don’t really deserve. Common examples of unemployment […]