Call Maryville Bail Bonds for Any Bail Bonds Help After Your Arrest

It doesn’t matter how serious or minor the charges you face are. There are a few things you should do immediately following your arrest.

Stay Calm and Compliant

One of the biggest mistakes many people make is getting angry and throwing a fit when they are first arrested. We understand that you’re upset and scared but the simple reality is that things will be much better for you if you stay calm.

Getting angry following your arrest has the potential to do three negative things:

  • Makes the booking process take even longer
  • Increase the odds of your saying something that could be used against you during a trial
  • Trigger events that lead to even more charges, such as resisting arrest, being filed against you

In the aftermath of your arrest, it’s in your best interest to stay silent as much as possible and only answer questions such as your name, your birthdate, and your address. When you’re being arrested, the less you say, the better.

Contact Your Lawyer

One of the first things you should do when you’re arrested is contacting your lawyer. The sooner you do this, the better. Not only will your lawyer help you through things like your arraignment, but they will also explain the charges that have been filed against you, and make sure that you’re civil rights aren’t violated.

Don’t wait any longer – just give us a call at (901)476-2245, unload any and all questions (we’ll be more than happy to answer them!), and let’s get your loved one home now!


maryville bail bonds

Get in Touch With your Bail Bonds Agent in Maryville, Tennessee

As soon as possible, you should get in touch with Maryville Bail Bonds. We offer a completely free bail bond consultation that’s available 24/7. During the consultation, you’ll learn about how to apply for a bail bond, how our interest-free payments work, whether you’ll need a co-signer, and what you can use as collateral.

There are several reasons people contact Maryville Bail Bonds as soon as they’ve been arrested. These reasons include:

Take a chance on Action Bonding or learn more by giving us a call at 901-476-2245. Each person’s case will differ here and there so it is best to understand completely what is at stake – that’s why you will be assigned to one of our top bail agents who will personally take care of you. We won’t let you down.