Tag Archives: tipton county jail inmate information

What Are Statutes Of Limitations?

Something that people may not realize, is that there is actually a time limit for when a person can be charged for a specific crime. This time limit is referred to as a statute of limitations. This is done as a way to help protect people from being accused of things they did years ago. […]

How To Get Free Legal Assistance In Tennessee

Nearly everyone has a point in their life where they need some sort of legal advice. If you’re lucky, you have enough money that you can pay a lawyer for their time. Sadly, not everyone is in this position. The good news is that whether you need answers to a few legal questions involving how […]

About Our Online Bail Bonds Program

If you live out of state, struggle with transportation or aren’t in a position where you can make a trip to the Action Bail Bonding office, but also need to arrange to bail a loved one out of jail, you should seriously consider our online bail bonds program. What Is Our Online Bail Bonds Program? […]

Understanding Proper Court Etiquette

Proper etiquette is essential for making a good impression on other people, and this is especially true in the courtroom, especially for the defendant. The defendant is already in the courtroom with a disadvantage; this is the person who is being accused of a crime and is fighting against the charges so the jury finds […]

What Happens If You Give A Police Officer False Information

It doesn’t matter if you’re pulled over for a routine traffic violation or if the police knock on your front door and ask to talk to you, there’s something about face-to-face interactions that causes most of us to panic. This panic can result in us making some bad choices. A perfect example of this is […]

Difference Between Infraction, Misdemeanor And Felony

The terms “infraction,” “misdemeanor,” and “felony” have probably flown across your ears every now and then – from video games to television to movies to the morning news. But do you understand the differences between the three? Some people may think they are simply synonyms for each other. But, they are not and it is […]

What Happens If I Make A Fake Or Prank 911 Call

Making a fake or prank phone call to 911 might seem like good fun but it’s not something you want to follow through with. Neither law enforcement offices nor court officials have a sense of humor. To put it simply, making fake or prank 911 calls is illegal. In some situations, that single phone call […]

The First Amendment

The United States is an interesting place when it comes to politics. There are marches and rallies about various different political issues nearly every day. From college protests to riots in the street, Americans are exercising their First Amendment right. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution covers: Freedom of religion Freedom of speech […]

Tennessee Takes Court Order Violations Seriously

California judges don’t issue court orders because they think it’s fun. They do so because they want you to follow the order. Failing to do exactly what the court order does or simply pretending it doesn’t exist will bring about some serious legal consequences. Violating a court order in Tennessee could potentially ruin your life. […]