Author Archives: crystal

Be Careful What You Share Online

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Most people nowadays are in quite a rush to post something on social media after an exciting or infuriating event happens. Everyone is so used to sharing, that oftentimes, they forget to realize that they might be oversharing. There are some things that are better kept to oneself, and not posted online. Everything that goes […]

Home Security While on Vacation

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Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into isn’t. There are several things you can do to keep your home safe while you’re having a good time. Talk to Your Neighbors/Friends An abandoned house is one that attracts burglars. You want there to […]

Fighting Back Against Cyberbullying

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These days, it seems like you can’t turn on the television, radio, or computer without hearing another story about cyberbullying. While it’s a problem for adults, businesses, and even non-profit organizations, the demographic that gets the most attention is the teenage population. While bullying has always been a problem for teenagers, now that most have […]

Driving Despite Having a Suspended License

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Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of Tennessee, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of Tennessee can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a great […]

Expunging an Arrest Record Because of Factual Evidence

One of the first things people who’ve been charged with a crime want to know is how to go about getting their criminal record expunged. In Tennessee, the first step of this particular process is proving factual innocence. What is Factual Innocence Factual innocence is a termed that’s used when a defendant manages to prove […]

Is Aggravated Trespassing Really Any Different from Plain Old Trespassing?

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The word aggravated on a charge looks scary, but some people who are charged with aggravated trespassing don’t understand how the word applies to them. Sure, they know that they were on private property, but since they didn’t have a weapon, how can it possibly be aggravated. In Tennessee, you can be charge with aggravated […]

Are Door-to-Door Warrantless Searches Legal?

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In 2013, during the aftermath that followed the bombing of the Boston Marathon, many Boston residents responded to knocks on their door. On the other side were angry and armed members of Boston’s SWAT team. They were engaged in massive manhunt for the suspects and wanted to go through the homes and make sure that […]

Do Seatbelt Laws Save Lives?

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It seems like every time we turn around, a new law that takes away another one of our personal choices is in place. A perfect example of this is seatbelt laws. At this point, with the exception of New Hampshire, every single state has laws in place that force passengers in the front seats to […]

How to Avoid Noise Complaints from Your Neighbors

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Now that holiday is here, your weekends are filling up fast with parties at your place and your friends’ places. That means you need to have a pumped up playlist of the latest chart topping songs, a fridge full of alcohol, and the most down to earth friends. In addition to those party necessities, you […]

What to Do When Your Teenager Runs Away From Home

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Any parent will admit that their relationship with their child can change on a day-to-day basis sometimes. There are times when everyone is getting along perfectly, and then there are times when arguments are more common than kind words. Thankfully, no matter what happens, even after the worst fights, there is still plenty of love […]